Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Definition of “Civilized” And How It Seems To Me That American Society Falls Short


I recently overheard someone say, “aren’t we so lucky to live in a civilized society?”

My critical mind decided to pick this one apart, because from my seat at the table, I fail to see many aspects of this American society as civilized.

Settle down, patriots.

Before you scroll down to the comments to verbally disparage my entire existence (which, by the way, is not very civilized), hear me out.

Continue reading The Definition of “Civilized” And How It Seems To Me That American Society Falls Short

Five Comments People Rather Freely Make To Those Who Choose To Not Have Children

I am child-free by choice.

It was an easy choice for me. I knew I didn’t want kids. Neither did my husband. It was part of what brought us together. But even though this choice was easy for me, the fallout from others’ judgment was a kick in the gut like, say, a mild contraction. Especially when I was in my 20s and 30s.

We live in a child-centric society. As such, there are assumptions about child-free people that are deemed as truisms. And people think it’s completely okay (which it isn’t, by the way) to make comments based on these assumptions.

Some of these comments include (but are not limited to):

Continue reading Five Comments People Rather Freely Make To Those Who Choose To Not Have Children