Monthly Archives: April 2018

What the Hell is Life Coaching?

That’s what I asked when I first heard the term 20 years ago. Actually, if I’m being honest, dodgeball-429621_640the actual question I posed was, “What the hell kind of bullshit is life coaching?”

To me, a coach was a whistle-blowing gym teacher with too much swagger to fill his or her chronically ill-fitting shorts, yelling at me for getting nailed in the face with a dodge ball.

And what sort of person could be so audacious as to believe they could coach someone else on their life? It all left a bad taste in my mouth.

Why Would Anyone Want to Be a Life Coach?

I’ve been through lot of therapy since that sweeping judgment 20 years ago. I know the power of support through communication. And though life coaching is NOT therapy, I’ve given it a lot more thought. I’ve also given it a lot more time and money – both in becoming a life coach, as well as having one. And these experiences have, as you might expect, changed my perspective. What I see now is the tremendous value of life coaching.

Continue reading What the Hell is Life Coaching?